[HM] Re: Virtual Memory

w appling wappling at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Mar 12 00:54:26 PST 2003

>> RE; I agree with all that he said with the exception of: sometimes 
>> when playing back video such as quicktime or useing DVD playback I 
>> found VM would cause the picture to skip, so my opinion is virtual 
>> memory is good for most things, but if you have video troubles try 
>> turning it off for that.. best wishes

>> When should Virtual memory be turned on?
> Since sometime in 8.5, all the time. The default is 1 meg more than 
> your
> real RAM. You should also get as much RAM as possible. Prices are dirt
> cheap, so fill it up.
> The reason to use VM even when you have lots of RAM has to do with the
> memory used by applications is used. The code for an application must 
> be
> loaded into memory for it to execute. If VM is turned on then the 
> system
> can use a feature called memory mapped I/O to make loading the
> applications executable code into memory much more efficient and use 
> less
> memory. You'll notice a message when you view the Memory panel of the 
> Get
> Info window that the application will use more memory if VM is turned 
> off.
> So, turn it on, leave it on and forget about it. :-)
>  ...Duane

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