[HM] Re: need imac advice ASAP!

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Fri May 2 10:52:46 PDT 2003

--- At Fri, 2 May 2003 10:21:03 -0700, Jane Sprando wrote:

>> Are you sure those 8-10 programs won't run under Classic?
>I don't know for sure if they will. I know SuperPaint won't and I enjoy
>using it so much that I hate to give it up!

Use AppleWorks. SuperPaint on steroids. In any case there are lots of
more up to date programs than SuperPaint. PhotoShop Elements can be had
for less than $100. You probably have something similar with your digital

>I thought about keeping my old Mac. But I have this beige G3 tower with a
>17" monitor and it takes up a LOT of space!

While big, this machine still has potential. You could probably re-sell
it to someone. I would end up upgrading it and turning it into a server
or a second workstation.


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