[HM] Re: need imac advice ASAP!

TeeGate teegate at comcast.net
Fri May 2 17:45:35 PDT 2003


I have SuperPaint 3.0 and it works fine in Classic.

Another point of view. I use SoftWindows in Classic to utilize TopoUSA 
when I download coordinates from my GPS. TopoUSA requires that the CD 
be installed that has the particular area of the country that my 
coordinates are from. But when running in Classic SoftWindows will not 
recognize the installed CD. It shows up on the Mac side but not the PC. 
I then must boot up from OS9 to run the program properly. So basically 
the program runs in Classic, but a particular feature of it doesn't.

  I personally like the idea that I can boot up in both.


On Friday, May 2, 2003, at 01:21  PM, Jane Sprando wrote:

>> Are you sure those 8-10 programs won't run under Classic?
> I don't know for sure if they will. I know SuperPaint won't and I enjoy
> using it so much that I hate to give it up!

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