Safari requires X and it seems to be popular. I have used it and it is quite fast, but lacks one feature I like so I use Chimera. At the below link from you can see all of the shareware and freeware for Safari and also the program itself. new_search.m?productDB=mac&mode=Quick&OS_Filter=MacOSX&search=safari&x=1 3&y=10 Guy On Sunday, May 4, 2003, at 09:46 PM, Sue Rodriguez wrote: > good evening, everyone, > > One of the techies at my university told me about Safari, a web brower > for > OS X only. I realize it is still in beta form, but is anyone using it > (or > am I so out of touch that everyone is using it), and what are your > feelings > about it? Also, is Jaguar necessary to run Safari? I have been using > Internet Explorer for years but am uncomfortable with it for a number > of > security reasons. > > Thanks, > > Sue