OS X and Outlook Express also downloading OS X 10.2.6

Bob Baron blbaron at earthlink.net
Sat May 10 11:03:25 PDT 2003

> Hi Listers,

I've finally migrated to OS X and things are going well with the 
exception of:

I would like to run Outlook Express in Classic mode rather than Mail.  
When I start up OE sends and receives mail okay but when I awaken from 
"sleep" OE will not receive but will send.  I re-start and all is well 
until the "sleep" evolution.
I'm confident that all the settings are correct.

I'm trying to go from 10.2 to 10.2.6 and get an error message telling 
me there is a problem and d/l was not successful.  Do you need to d/l 
all the intermediate versions or am I in trouble?

Your ideas and, hopefully, solutions are gratefully appreciated. :)


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