OS X Password Encryption

Geoff Wallace gwallace at mac.com
Thu Oct 9 20:32:25 PDT 2003

Hello All,

Struck a problem the other day with OS X.

When connecting to the Australian ISP, internex.com.au which is part of
connexus.com.au in OS X it would not work.

Always got authentication error, even though the correct password and user
name had been entered we believed.

Spoke to Internex Help and they said that the Password was being sent
encrypted, turn off Password Encryption and you should be right.

The problem is, I cannot find any reference to Password Encryption.

Restart in OS 9 and it connects immediately with the same ID and Password
that was used in OS X.

Is anyone using internex or connexus as an ISP?

Anyone know anything about Password Encryption, if you know how to turn it
off please let me know.


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