X and networking question

Jack Honeycutt jhoneycutt at qwest.net
Sat Oct 11 17:14:53 PDT 2003

At 05:50 PM 10/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
You're not saying, but presumably you are using DHCP (your Linksys router 
assigns IP numbers to the machines on the network).

Woops!  Sorry.  Yes, you are correct, I am using DHCP from the Linksys.

>(1) On the XP machine, make sure that (a) TCP/IP and File and Printer 
>Sharing for Microsoft Networks are installed and enabled, (b) Internet 
>Connection Firewall is disabled, (c) some resource (e.g., a folder) is 
>shared. Jot down your XP machine's name, workgroup, and IP number.

OK.  That stupid firewall dose little good anyway I am told....

>(2) On the OS X machine, in Finder choose Go > Connect to Server... In the 
>Connect to Server dialogue, type in the address box:
>where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is your XP machine's IP number. This should take you 
>to the SMB/CIFS file system authentication, and then to SMB mount, where 
>you can choose which shared resource to connect to.

Thanks so much!  I'll give it a try tonight!

jack in Portland Oregon

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