HM] Re: key combo for memory check??

John Baltutis baltwo at
Thu Sep 25 17:26:22 PDT 2003

On 09/24/03, Pyx Findlekind <pyx_findlekind at> wrote:
>>  > >Does anyone know of a fany key combo I could hold down on boot that
>>>  >would let me bypassthe memory chek on boot so I could boot directly
>>>  >to my boot screen? Or am I just dreaming?
>>>You're dreaming. :-)
>>>But there is a solution. Open the Memory Control Panel (on 9 only!) while
>>>holding down the option key. You will get an extra radio button that will
>>>let you disable the startup memory test.
>>Rats!  Looks like this feature despaired in 9.1 or I did not do it correctly.
>>But the good news is every time I boot, I have time to go to the beach for
>>the weekend before the desktop screen come up!
> So, can't we just get a copy of the "9 only" Control Panel and
> replace the new one?

A few points.

1. Accessing the control panel in Classic is not possible, because OS X
controls the memory.

2. The key combo is hold CMD + OPT, while booted into a standalone OS 9
volume, and is available in all OS 9 versions.

3. There are no control panels in OS X, so there's nothing to replace.

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