iTunes - QT file somewhere

John Baltutis baltwo at
Tue Aug 10 14:27:20 PDT 2004

On 08/10/04, Bryan Forbes <bforbes at> wrote:
> I was curious if anyone knew how to do this ... I noticed iTunes has
> some videos that can be viewed in the iTunes (I believe as a quicktime
> file, I'd be very surprised if it was something else).  Video
> downloaded nice ... looks good etc.
> This is my question ... the video is cached somewhere on my machine,
> because it's doesn't have to redownload the song/video, it just plays
> it like a normal QT file, when you hit play.
> Where is that file located ... hidden within iTunes somewhere or
> somewhere within the OS ...

Try /private/tmp/501/TemporaryItems/-=-=-note that these a invisible, so
you'll have select show invisible in Finder's find. Anything in there will
have some alpha-numeric name. You'll have to manually move them out and
change its name.

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