[HM] Re: Can't open picture attachment

James Norman jimoctec at mac.com
Sat Feb 14 17:34:03 PST 2004

Hi Sue,

It depends on the specifics of the browser or mail app. that you are 
using, but you always get the dialogue box which lets you browse to the 
file you want to send.  Just make sure that you know the name of the 
file and where you have stored it (usually in your Documents folder) 
and the size.  That way you can be sure that you are sending the 
picture or file that you want to send. I tend to view most folders in 
the Details view rather than the icon view to help here.

Before you click send you can check that you actually have the 
attachment is the right size.

On Sunday, February 15, 2004, at 03:15 AM, Sue Rodriguez wrote:

> Jim,
> Thanks for the information. I have always wondered why sometimes get a
> picture and sometimes I just get that little square or nothing.  How 
> can one
> be sure they forward a picture?  I usually use the forward function.
> Thanks, Sue
>> Hi Denise,
>> 1k in size for a .jpg does not sound right. I do not think that you
>> have actually received the pictures, it sounds more like an alias or
>> (in PC terms) a shortcut to the picture file that (a) has been sent, 
>> or
>> possibly (b) that you are trying to open.
>> Ask your friend to resend the pictures is my suggestion.
>> All the best,
>> Jim

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