[HM] ADB to USB adapters

Michael Winter michael-winter at uiowa.edu
Mon Jan 5 06:30:31 PST 2004

On Jan 4, 2004, at 10:35 PM, Greg McNeil wrote:

> Hi,
> I am getting tired of the unresponsive keyboard which came with my 
> iMac and am wondering if anyone has any experience with USB to ADB 
> adapters like the Griffin iMate.

I use an iMate on one of my Macs, and it seems to work fine. The one 
caveat is it seems to get confused about wether caps-lock is on or off. 
That is the light indicating it is on is lit on the keyboard when the 
computer is registering it as off, and vice-versa. Other than that I've 
had no trouble with the extended keyboard or the mouse. One final note, 
no drivers or anything needed to be installed. It just works. On second 
thought, maybe if I installed the drivers the key-caps light might 
work, but its not worth the effort to me.


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