[HM] Moving Internet explorer bookmarks

James Norman jimoctec at mac.com
Fri Jan 9 22:39:57 PST 2004

On Saturday, January 10, 2004, at 03:51 PM, janesprando wrote:

> I need to move Internet Explorer from my old G3 (9.2.2) to my iMac, 
> which
> boots up in OS X and 9.2.2.
> How do I do that and keep the bookmarks?

You don't need to move the application, just export the bookmarks. 
Import/Export is either under the File menu or through the Preferences 
panel (if memory serves me).

You can save the file to somewhere on your network, to iDisk, or you 
can email it as an attachment to yourself.  After installing IE to your 
new Mac (or you can decide not to support Microsoft and choose an 
alternate browser ;) ), open IE and Import your saved bookmarks.



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