[HM] Internet Explorer favorites Tool Bar problem

TeeGate TeeGate at comcast.net
Mon Jan 12 14:38:37 PST 2004


If you set up IE is OSX with your favorites, and switch to 9, you will 
not have the save favorites because they are storeed in different 
location. The same is true if you do the opposite way. In X the 
Explorer favorites are in Users/username/Library/Preferences/Explorer, 
and in 9 they are in System Folder/Preferences/Explorer.


On Jan 12, 2004, at 3:03 PM, Jane Sprando wrote:

> All of a sudden, my Internet Explorer (5.1) Favorites tool Bar is 
> blank. I
> have all the bars enabled under View. I have a list in Favirites.
> Can someone please figure out why they don't show up?
> Oh ---- This is on my iMac that boots into 9.2.2 and OS X. I am in 
> 9.2.2
> right now.
> Jane

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