iPhoto/Portraits & Prints type apps for OS 9???

Randy Clark hawkgx at planetkc.com
Wed Jan 14 20:25:11 PST 2004

Anyone familiar with, or know of any freeware/shareware/dirt cheap apps for
OS 9 that do similar things as iPhoto or Portraits & Prints?  I've got a
G3-upgraded Performa 6400 to which just added a USB card. I'm running 9.1
(no plans to attempt OS X on this machine), and just connected my Epson
CX3200 All-in-One.  I'd like the kids to be able to print pix occasionally
from this machine (sorry, the OS X iMac is all mine!), but am kind of
underwhelmed by Epson's FilmFactory and ArcSoft's Photo Impression that came
bundled with the printer.

Can anyone recommend something good?
Randy Clark
hawkgx at planetkc.com
Kansas City

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