Jane/new Mac/digital camera

Vicki Allwardt vallwardt at mac.com
Sat Jul 24 07:21:11 PDT 2004

Hi Jane,
Make sure you buy your new mac after a the major Mac  event in January. 
  I bought my iBook just before and sure enough there were faster and 
bigger ones for the same price announced there...if I had only waited a 
couple of months.  I do love my iBook though and have no complaints.

I have an Olympus 3.1 mp camera with a huge 27x zoom on it.  It came 
with a thick book all in English...it took a while to get used to it 
because it can do so much, but we've got it down now.  Yes, be sure you 
have extra rechargeable batteries!
Mine connects directly to my iMac or iBook and iPhoto figures out which 
camera it is and away you go!   I think the Minoltas are very good too, 
as well as the Canon.  Now I want another one without that big lens in 
front...easier to carry.

One more thing, I have found that the white balance feature on my 
camera takes better shots in low light than using the flash, so play 
with it, keep the extra batteries and instruction book handy.  You'll 
love it!
Vicki Allwardt

> From: Jane Sprando <janesprando at msn.com>
> Message-ID: <BA0BACAE.1FF2%janesprando at msn.com>
> Carl, you bring up some excellent points about buying a simple camera 
> to
> start with. I didn't know about the different memory formats, either!
> I still have a beige G3 with SCSI interface. What would I need to 
> upload my
> pictures?  (I'm holding out hope that I can buy a Mac after Christmas, 
> but
> just to safe...)
> jane

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