[HM] OS 10.1

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Mon Jun 21 07:56:40 PDT 2004

--- At Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:43:33 -0500, Sue Rodriguez wrote:

>Dear Listers,
>Over the weekend I was forced to do a clean install on my dual processor,
>G4.  Most of it went well except that my restore software installed OS X
>10.0.4 and OS 9.2.  I have Microsoft Office X which requires OS 10.1.  I
>searched the Internet and could not find 10.1 (found 10.1.2-10.1.5, all of
>which need 10.1, I think).  Does anyone know where I can find a download for

Sorry, 10.1 was not a free upgrade. If you had 10.1 before, then you
should have CDs for it somewhere. If it came with your machine then it
should have come with CDs as well.

Otherwise, you'll need to buy OS X. Of course the latest is 10.3, which
is way better than 10.1.


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