On 05/27/04, Jane Sprando <janesprando at comcast.net> wrote: > > Is there a trick to get Safari to import bookmarks from Explorer? It is > supposed to do it automatically, but I don't see any bookmarks from > Explorer. What do I need to do? > You get that option the first time you start Safari (see Safari->Help->Woking with Bookmarks->Importing). You can also do that after the first start by enabling Safari's Debug menu. To enable the Debug menu, quit Safari, launch the Terminal application, type the below command in the Terminal window, and press return: defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1 Quit Terminal, launch Safari, and note that Debug is now the last Menu item. Select Import bookmarks. To disable the debug menu, type in the following Terminal command and press return: defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 0