[HM] Upgrading programmes.

Rosemary Titterington rosemary_t at mac.com
Mon Nov 29 10:24:22 PST 2004

I am probably being dim and have missed reading some instruction ... 
I have worked through MacOS from my first LC11 and now on 10.2.8 and 
have discs ready for
next system upgrade when some housekeeping on computer is completed.

Over the years I have gradually upgraded my Norton Utilities and now on 
Systemworks 3.0 installed and working. Also other programmes like  
Photoshop Elements 3.0 as they offer upgrades to X.

Do I have to remove physically or otherwise uninstall previous 
programmes, or do they dump unnecessary stuff in the trash when 
Does  an upgrade just keeping on adding to a programme, so it is better 
not to trash anything.

Any one able to educate me please.? I had thought of using Spring 

Rosemary_t at mac.com

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