[HM] Upgrading programmes.

Rosemary Titterington rosemary_t at mac.com
Tue Nov 30 00:00:24 PST 2004

Hello Jim-
Thank you, have had to print out your advice to absorb it thoroughly- 
and decide which action to take first.!  (I am a golden oldie so have 
learned to look before I leap).

Have an early G4 with fairly recent new 120 gb hard disc as I do a lot 
of photography., I left  the old 10 gb disc inside as well to use as a 
potential backup disc. It still has 0S X and OS 9 on it. However, have 
never had the courage to wipe all work off it, or systems. I can still 
start up on it.
I have 640 Ram and usually use Apple Centre for installing things and 
fiddling about inside as I am not very brave!

If I install Panther on my new hard disc, will I still be able to start 
up on old disc if necessary?

I use MacJanitor regularly as a small cleaning programme, but otherwise 
don't fiddle about too much. Do you think this programme ok, does it 
really do anything?
  Have just bought systemworks 3.0 upgrade so think I will have to stick 
with it for a while!!

> As far as removing files goes, Mac OS X has always been elegant, you 
> just drag the app or the folder to the trash and the OS does the 
> necessary clean up in the background - sure beats Windoze uninstaller 
> procedure!
I agree, having watched the rest of the household struggling with their 
bugs and virus problems -when asked for help - I am baffled by 
microsoft phrase 'My Computer' which seems to send me in circles!

> Carbon Copy Cloner and make a completely working copy of your current 
> system
Where do I find this programme? After thinking about all this, it is a 
pity I can't also back up my brain before it deteriorates even more.

Thanks very much.

Rosemary_t at mac.com

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