[HM] lost system folder! addendum (browser issues)

B.ru c-e •K1u-tch-k0 AppleRocket at NoSpamMail.net
Wed Aug 10 08:41:26 PDT 2005

Not a bad solution - I've often had to do the same. But because the  
sites that do/ don't open with Safari seem to change from time to  
time, what I've done is to enable the Safari Debug menu. then when a  
site doesn't open properly, I click on "Open Page With" and choose  

B-r-u -c-e

On Aug 10, 2005, at 11:36 AM, Brian Olesky wrote:

> On 8/10/05 1:42 AM, "Jim Norman" <jimoctec at mac.com> wrote:
> Much as I like Safari, .... Specifically, it doesn't work
> well at all with my bank's online banking service, and it also has  
> problems
> getting along with a few other sites I routinely visit.
> Therefore, the solution I've found that works best for me is to use  
> Safari
> as my general browser, but to keep Firefox as my backup, used just  
> when I do
> my online banking and visit other sites that I've found to be
> Safari-Unfriendly. ...
> Brian

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