[HM] Moving music from my iTunes to another iPod

Samantha Cornell samantha at netresults.biz
Sat Aug 27 18:49:25 PDT 2005

I've reread this thread...and I think I may see where the confusion is. 
  If you sync it to the second computer, it could erase your files. 
Depending on your settings, syncing will make your ipod a mirror image 
of the computer that you are connected to, therefore erasing everything 
that you had on it from the other machine.

However, syncing is not the only way to transfer files.  Just drag and 
drop playlists and songs onto the iPod and you will be fine.  Of 
course, make sure that you have all your files backed up anyway.  
Technology is never a promise.

On Aug 27, 2005, at 3:32 PM, Duane Murphy wrote:

> --- At Sat, 27 Aug 2005 10:52:10 -0700, Thom Holland wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is it possible to move music from my iTunes to another person's iPod?
> An iPod can only be owned by one computer. If you plug the iPod into
> your computer it will ask to take it over. As a result it will erase
> everything already on the iPod so you can add music to it.
> If you are willing to live with that limitation then the answer is yes.
> If you want to share music from two computers onto an iPod then the
> answer is no (at least not legitimately; meaning that there may be a
> third party work around that I am unaware of.)
> With some networking and folder diving you can move music from one
> iTunes to another. If any of the music is purchased, then you have to
> authorize both machines. (you are allowed 5 authorized machines.)
>  ...Duane
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