[HM] help please, with my ipods.

Miche Doherty miche.doherty at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 06:33:43 PST 2005

On Dec 26, 2005, at 9:08 am, Rosemary Titterington wrote:

> Before I do anything stupid, I would like some advice on how many 
> ipods one
> can re load etc on one computer.
> I have had had the pleasure of an ipod shuffle for some time, and all 
> went smoothly.
> my husband laughed at me being 'with it' so made him try it.
> Result - bought an ipod nano for him for Christmas, and loaded it with 
> many many hours of
> classical music and spoken word for him - at 80 plus he is delighted 
> with it!!
> Went to reload my ipod shuffle - message I needed to update- so did. 
> Now no response
> to my dear little shuffle, and it seems a bit dead!  Have looked 
> through Apple help sections
> but not much good.
> Had bright idea this am of restarting in 9 and using the itunes there, 
> instead of using my normal
> 10.3.9.  Using a fairly old G4 but keep it updated and 100 + disc. (my 
> first mac was a dear little
> grey box, now in a museum!)

There was a recent issue with some shuffles being "broken" by the 
iTunes 6.0.1 update:
<http://www.macnn.com/articles/05/11/21/itunes.killing.shuffles>. I 
think this problem was addressed by the most recent firmware updater 
for the iPod. I know you say "I needed to update- so did", but i'm not 
sure whether it was iTunes or the iPod software that you updated. Try 
running Software Update.

There shouldn't be an issue with using two iPods on the same Mac: I use 
a shuffle and a nano on the same user accunt without any problems.

The shuffle (and other current iPods) won't work with OS9. AFAIK they 
need at least iTunes 4.x.


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