[HM] External drive types

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Tue Feb 22 21:19:30 PST 2005

--- At Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:49:11 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:

>I have an iMac G4, 800 MHz. Checking the Apple System profiler, it says USB
>0, then under it says 1.5.9. Then it says USB 1, 1.5.9. But my Epson
>printer/scanner is USB 2. My firewire drive says 2.8.7.
>Do these numbers mean anything to you?

USB 0 and USB 1 refer to the different USB ports. Your machine has two
USB ports 0 and 1.

1.5.9 is the driver version number for the USB ports.

The 2 in USB 2 is a protocol version numbers. USB 2 is faster than USB 1.
But is also backwards compatible with USB 1. 

I don't know if the G4 had USB 2 ports on it or not, but in any case, the
printer will work fine.

2.8.7 is the driver version number for the FireWire bus. 


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