[HM] screen resolution: pinched inches

michaelP michael at sandwich-de-sign.co.uk
Sat Feb 26 23:03:02 PST 2005

hi folks, this is probably such a naive quest but it's been bothering me for
ages and hopefully someone here will put me out of my misery.

My Mac is an iMac G4 (the one with the hemispherical bottom) 800MHz running
OS 9.2 (and OS X, but it's in OS 9 that I experience the prob). The two main
applications for me are PhotoShop 6 and PageMaker 6.5; when viewing images
in PhotoShop at so-called "Print Size" the rulers show inches as more like
0.8 inches (i.e., they are quite a bit smaller than 'real' inches); likewise
in PageMaker viewing pages at so-called "Actual Size"... My monitor settings
in the Monitor Control Panel are set at 1024 by 768 (the maximum): is this
the problem?



Michael Pennamacoor
tel: 01304 617626
fax: 0870 163 8935
e: michael at abgrundrisse.net

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