[HM] Re: disc burner

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Sat Mar 19 09:58:13 PST 2005

On Mar 19, 2005, at 11:56 AM, Duane Murphy wrote:

> I hate that Macintosh has become so much like Windows where the 
> "usual" solution is to re-install. Ack!

Have you used Windows much?

I wouldn't say that they are anything alike.  Windows has strange and 
bizarrely occurring instabilities which lead to the necessity of 
reinstalling Windows just to get a basic functioning OS.

After a year of using OS X, and trying out a lot of different software, 
my system is still as responsive and stable as ever.  The same was 
never true of Windows, even XP, where installing/deleting a lot of 
software was nearly guaranteed to leave you with some sort of 
corruption and overall system slowdown.

If Disk Burner was deleted, it was due to something that the user did.  
One can hardly fault OS X for what happens when people remove pieces of 
the OS.  XP, on the other hand, lets just about any program modify 
c:\windows\system32\ which can easily lead to problems.

Even with that said, I'd be willing to bet that if you could find the 
missing file(s) and replace them from another Mac running the same 
version of the OS, it would work again.  In XP, you might have all the 
right pieces on your system and it STILL might not work because of DLL 
problems.  Just last night I had to replace a DLL because my 
not-very-old installation of XP in VirtualPC had become corrupted.


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