I'm also on dial-up, and usually when I have connection problems I have to call the phone company. Frequently moisture affects our phone lines, but we've also had the charge go out on some kind of power source at the switching box, and one time a critter got into the switching box and chewed up the line. The joys of country living ... Debbi On May 19, 2005, at 1:17 PM, irene at trilliumwoods.com wrote: > I have a dial-up connection, an iMac G5 running 10. 3.9, and a > weird problem. > > When I click the Connect button on Internet Connection (either > window or menu bar icon) the Connecting... grinds on and on with no > results. I don't hear dialing. Clicking Disconnect and re-clicking > will almost always result in a stable connection. But it also sets > the Sound to zero. > > What on earth is going on? A conflict, somehow? I've run Disk > Warrior, and repair permissions almost daily, with no changes to > the weird connection behaviour. I can live with it until I upgrade > to Tiger, but meanwhile I'd really like to understand what's going on. > > Many thanks, > > irene > irene at trilliumwoods.com