[HM] hummmmmm

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Wed Nov 9 12:10:27 PST 2005

--- At Wed, 9 Nov 2005 13:13:38 -0600, Michael Winter wrote:

>The driver is installed on the disk when it is formatted and is  
>separate from the OS (though the OS can use a driver that overrides  
>the one on the drive if it wants). The one caveat going between OS 9  
>and X is that you can format a drive in OS X without having it  
>install an OS 9 compatible driver. That used to be a check box when  
>formatting a drive, but I don't see it any more. I hope that means  
>the OS 9 compatible driver is installed by default, but it may mean  
>it no longer includes OS 9 compatibility.

My observation is that it means that there is NO OS 9 driver installed.

The check box used to be available or not depending on whether or not
your machine could run OS 9. (I think; this is based on some simple
observations.) More recent OS X Disk Utility applications include the OS
9 switch all the time. It's useful for formatting FireWire drives that
may be used on 9. 

Again, this is all observation concerning Disk Utility. I may be wrong.


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