[HM] Using Airport extreme with G4 Powerbook

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Tue Feb 7 19:17:04 PST 2006

--- At Tue, 7 Feb 2006 14:51:34 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:

>I have a 15in. G4 PowerBook, running 10.3.x. I have Comcast cable broadband
>as my ISP. I am using an Airport Extreme to connect to the internet. The
>laptop has difficulty keeping the connection, or not getting one at all. I
>am constantly getting the message that the server can't be found.
>Does anyone have any suggestions to improve the connections?

First make sure that the problem is with the airport.

Do you have this problem if you are in the same room with the base
station or does it just occur when you are on opposite sides of the
house? Is there a microwave oven between you and the base station? Are
there other sources of interference between you and the base station.

I'll presume that the connection works fine if you are in the same room
with the base station. That the problem usually occurs when you are far
away from the base station.

In this case, here are a few things to try:
   o Set the channel of your base station  to 1 or 11. 
     Those channels overlap the least with other devices.
   o If you have no other 802.11b devices, set the Mode to g only.
   o Under Wireless Options, make sure that your transmitter power is

Give those a try,

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