[HM] How do you delete a network?

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Wed Sep 6 20:34:42 PDT 2006

--- At Thu, 7 Sep 2006 02:57:24 +0000, janesprando at comcast.net wrote:

>I used my G4 Powerbook at a hotel and I see that I still have the
>network listed under the Airport on the menu toolbar. I went to the Help
>section to see how to delete it, but all I could find was adding one! I
>don't want to messa round with Airport settings and screw up something
>that is working!
>Can someone tell me how to delete it?

Sure, as soon as I understand what you're looking at. :-)

I need more reference? The AirPort Menu in the Menu Bar only shows
active networks so that can't be what you're looking at.

AirPort on Internet Connect only shows active network also, so that's not it.

Are you looking at the Network Preferences panel?

You're also on Panther (10.3) so things are a little bit different than
Tiger (10.4).

If I have some more reference, I should be able to help.


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