[HM] making a slide show or sreen saver

janesprando at comcast.net janesprando at comcast.net
Thu Sep 21 10:05:01 PDT 2006

I am trying to create a slide show of my own pictures to use as a screen saver.

Tech info: G4 iMac, 10.3.9

What I did:
1. made a copy of the pictures that I wanted ot be in the slide show; rotated 
and cropped them
2. opened System Preferences/Desk & Screen Saver/Screen Saver/Pictures Folder 
and selected  my folder.
3. Options: chose them all, including Crop Slides to fit on screen

What happens:

Some of the pictures are cut off at the top--- partial or no heads! So using, 
PhotoShop Elements, I resized the images. The pictures are still decapitated! 
What am I missing here? How do you get the pictures to fit on the screen?



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