More SuperDrive updaters available

Derek Roff derek at
Fri Dec 6 13:41:53 PST 2002

A few weeks ago, Apple posted the first updater for its SuperDrive, 
which will allow the use of the newer, higher speed DVD-R media.  The 
first updater was for iMac and OS X only.  Other versions of the 
updater are now available, covering the iMac and Power Mac G4, 
running OS 9 and OS X.

The story is that if you don't run the updater, and try to use the 
higher speed media, it may damage the hardware of the SuperDrive.

Derek Roff
Language Learning Center, Ortega Hall Rm 129, University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131  505/277-7368, fax 505/277-3885
Internet: derek at

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