[MacDV] Re: External DVD Drives-Experiences-Recommendations

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sat Dec 7 19:19:09 PST 2002

Discribe is a piece of garbage. Buy the DVR-105 bare or even in a 
retail box for less than $300 on http://www.pricewatch.com and throw it 
in a 1394 box. Less than $400 total. Also, you might want to remember 
that 1x DVD-R media is cheap and 4x DVD-R media is still almost $3.00 
each. I am not convinced that the 1x SuperDrive in the GHz PowerBook is 
such a bad deal. It forces you to use cheap media. Just a time to burn 
tradeoff that isn't that severe. You can always use Toast to make 
copies of a TiBook original @ 4x with the above external 105. Just a 
thought. Everything is a trade off.


On Saturday, December 7, 2002, at 06:33  PM, Gowyn Wilcox wrote:

>> ClarisMac's Discribe with their packages. Any experiences with these? 
>> Or is it just as good/cheaper to buy a bare
>> drive and throw it in a firewire box?

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