Changing the File Limit Size in iMovie (10.2)

doublle at doublle at
Mon Dec 16 09:42:36 PST 2002

I know I've read somewhere recently that it's possible to change the 
file limit size for iMovie so that I can import dvstream files larger 
than 1.99 gig.  I even found the instructions for doing this in 9 in a 
message from January sent to this list, but as much as I've searched in 
the last 2 hours I can't find a way to do this in X.  I know that you 
can split up clips in QuickTime, and I know that clips captured merge 
seamlessly when importing. Our main use is combining student projects 
spread out over a number of machines into a final project.  We export 
each project as full size .mov, take it into QTPro and export as 
DVstream, and then collect them all into the Media folder of a new 
iMovie project.   All's well unless a project is bigger than 1.99 GB.

Daniell Krawczyk

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