[MacDV] Re: Super 8 -> miniDV transfer (again)

Randy Wilson WilsonR at fonix.com
Wed Dec 18 08:57:04 PST 2002

>Shooting with a GL1 in auto mode seemed to work flawlessly for me in 
>just about every situation. You do get some blooms when the film 
>lighting changes, but shooting with fixed exposure won't work well 
>unless the original movie is uniformly lit....

Using completely auto mode with my Canon Elura resulted in terrible flicker problems (three frames on, two frames off, etc.).  But when I fixed my shutter speed at 1/60 and set the focus manually, then it definitely worked best for the camera to automatically set the exposure, though, as I mentioned earlier, the video camera did not allow the same degree of contrast as the film.  Too bad the cameras don't have a "contrast" control as well as an "exposure" control.  You often have to adjust both brightness and contrast to get things in the right ballpark.

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