[MacDV] Re: varous newbie questions

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Wed Dec 25 23:16:48 PST 2002

At 9:31 AM -0500 12/25/02, Bobbo wrote:
>LOL! I can't believe you're answering these questions at a time like this!
>Hearfelt congrats and blessings. What a wonderful way to end a year and
>begin another. Hope you're well and Elvio is running rings around you
>before you know what hit you (It really does happen that way)! Better get
>some good DV footage while you can still focus manually on him. See? This
>is on topic!

Actually, it's auto focus that will work now. You've got to
use manual for when they start moving around a lot. And then
it helps to set up a "zone of interest", start the camera
rolling and hope.

(And thanks for the warm sentiments!)

>Is Elvio your first?


-- Erica

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