[MacDV] Re: Film Scanners

Larry Dodge ldodge at eznet.net
Tue Dec 31 12:21:58 PST 2002

Ok I have been sitting back and watching this thread so I'll but my two
cents in now.

Scanning negatives or slides is a great/best way to go.  However it
takes alot of time to do it right.  I started with my collection several
years ago and never could even keep up with getting the new pictures
scanned let alone going back to the older ones.  The digital cameras
just don't offer the resolution, speed, or latatude that film offers
unless you go for the real expensive ones.

Now for my solution.  My wife had a stroke a couple of years ago and
could not return to work.  So always loved photography and lots and lots
of time one her hands so I taught her to scan negatives and slides.  She
has done about 18,000 over the past couple of years.  What she does is
scans on a Nikon LS2000 at 2700dpi resolution and then brings it into
photoshop and does color correction and saves out a file at full res and
3 other resolutions so there are 4 resolution of each image (kinda like
the photoCD approch)  However they are jpeg files.  Then she makes an
8x10 index print of the pictures and a web galary out of photoshop of
the pictures.  The burns a CD of all the files.  She started doing them
for friends for $5.00 a roll.  I have now said she has to charge $10.00
a roll and put $5.00 away for a new scanner so she can replace mine if
it breaks.   A roll is usually 24-27 pictures.

I don't know how many or how fast she could do them for people but if
anyone is interested in having her do some feel free to contact me.

I have been reluctant to post this because I did not want to sound like
I was soliciting on the list.

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