[MacDV] How long does it take you to encode........

Phil A. Lefebvre p-lefebvre at northwestern.edu
Mon Nov 25 15:24:46 PST 2002

>From: "Dennis A. Amith [kndy]" <asunaro at inreach.com>
>Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:26:34 -0800
>I'm currently at this moment making a 40 minute VCD via exporting it from
>imovie to Quicktime and at first it said it would take 123 minutes to encode
>and now it's up to 153 minutes.   Is this normal?  About 4-5 minutes, export
>takes about 20 minutes, 10 minutes-export takes about 30-35 minutes.

All your encodings seem to take about 3-5x realtime, which is normal, 
so 153 minutes is in the ballpark for a 40 min VCD. It can slow down 
if the video becomes more complex and harder to compress, or if there 
is something else running that is stealing CPU cycles.

>I'm curious if I purchase this pyro firewire casing and another 7200 RPM
>drive and use this drive to export, by how many minutes would I be saving in
>the export?

Few if any. The data transfer rate of MPEG encoding is well within 
the ability of a 7200 rpm hard drive to keep up. The bottleneck is 
the CPU.
Phil Lefebvre
Chicago, IL

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