[MacDV] Re: DVD player/TV crops my DVD-R

Jim Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Tue Apr 1 17:03:18 PST 2003

On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 04:22  PM, Matthew Guemple wrote:

>>>> That is why they provide the title box indicators in the first  
>>>> place..
>>> In case you don't know it's called "TV safe" and "Title Safe"
>> wow thanks. I'm glad you knew what I meant. Were my comments of no 
>> use  to you?
> Just so James could find the function in the menus...
> I don't know what they call it in iMove or other programs, but in FCP  
> and AfterEffects that's what they call them.
> As far as "cropping" is concerned I know that in both those mentioned  
> above the working size is NOT true 640 X 480. If you are importing 
> from  another program (like photoshop or illustrator) you need to make 
> the  documents slightly larger horizontally (I forget how much) 
> otherwise  the program stretches them to fit. The final output is 640 X 
> 480 so you  do end up with some image cropping. As far as titles etc 
> are concerned,  if they are not within the Title/TV safe margins you 
> risk cropping.  Apparently all TVs are not created equal.

This is a potentially sticky area. I use FCP every day. iMovie too.
  The problem with importing graphics has less to do with the number of 
pixels than the
shape of them.
Really we should be looking at 720x480. rectangular pixels.
The graphics programs though, are mostly square pixels.
this is what makes you do the complicated stretching and unstretching.
But getting back to the edges, an underscan monitor will show that even 
with raw tape there is more picture there than any TV displays. One 
should be concerned with this
when shooting as well as editing titling and preparing your graphics.
If you work close to the  edges you will derfinitely find that all TV's 
are not equal in this regard.

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