[MacDV] Re: DVD player/TV crops my DVD-R

Jim Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Tue Apr 1 18:23:15 PST 2003

On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 09:14  PM, Erica Sadun wrote:

>> On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 09:08  PM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>> At 9:01 PM -0500 4/1/03, Jim Asherman wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 08:15  PM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>>>>> 720x480 I believe.
>>>>> Square pixels
>>>>> 720 x 480 NTSC
>>>>> 720 x 576 PAL
>>>>> Rectangular pixels
>>>>> 640 x 480
>>>>> 768 x 576
>>>>> TV Safe -5% overall
>>>>> Title Safe -10% overall
>>>>> FYI, -- Erica
>>>> Cheez and crackers Erica I sure don't wanna get in this with you but 
>>>> that doesn't sound right.  I mean right off NTSC is rectangular not 
>>>> square right?
>>>> and Computers are square which is why the 640 goes to 720 when you
>>>> rectangularize it. Right? That's why they tell you to work taller 
>>>> than 480 and then
>>>> squish it top to bottom right?
>>>> This has been an issue many times especially when I had the Toaster 
>>>> which is rectangular native, and I know i have a twisted 
>>>> perspective. (LOL)
>>> Rectangular pixels are wider, not taller.
>>> -- Erica
>> Yes I know.
>> jim
> Okay.
> Blonde moment here: What exactly are you asking?
> -- Erica, feeling platinum

And you are platinum.
  I was not asking anything. I worked this BS out long ago to my own 
satisfaction but the subject came up and I engaged it because I see  a 
lot of what looks wrong to me being thrown about.
Big mistake
Jimmy moment.

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