>I am looking the possibility of buying a g4 1ghz laptop and adding 1g of >ram.. What I am interested in doing is directly capturing the the footage I >shoot into FCP 3.. Any one have experience doing this with a laptop? Are you referring to using it "in the field" ? If so, I remember someone on this forum doing exactly that about a year ago. I think it was Jack Rodgers. There is an email link at his website www.jackrodgers.com I was thinking of trying to do the same thing. A few things that I have written down to remember... have the internal batter charged for long shoots (and recharge in the car or if possible use an extension cord and power bar on the camera dolly), keep the laptop protected during the shoot, since it needs to be "opened" for FCP to capture footage (using some type of protective housing, expecially if being used outdoors)... I also think there is now an external hard drive that can be used "in the field" as well. It automatically compresses footage to DV which later can be edited in most Mac editing software programs. Can't remember the company though.