[MacDV] Re: Camera Recommendations please

Ron Woodland woodland at infowest.com
Sat Apr 5 21:12:04 PST 2003

I agree.  What a great time to be in the market for a higher-quality 
camera.  That price range is becoming very competitive and will soon 
have many new cameras announced at NAB this coming week.  I live just up 
I-15 about two hours north of Las Vegas.  I would give anything to be 
there but alas, I have classes to teach and grading to do.  Maybe next year.

Ronald Woodland -- St. George, Utah  84770

Thubten Kunga wrote:

> Study all the new cameras being announced in Las Vegas at NAB this week 
> before you decide. If I were you, I'd wait for a HD DV camera that 
> reviewers like from Sony or Canon.
> k
> On Saturday, April 5, 2003, at 08:11  PM, ET wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm in the market for a high end digital camcorder.  I have about
>> $4000-$5000 to spend.  Most of my work is documentary style.  I was hoping
>> for some ideas as to what camera to buy and where to purchase it from.
>> Extended warranty is important to me.
>> Thanks for all your help!

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