[MacDV] Re: iDVD Menus

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Wed Apr 9 08:43:37 PDT 2003

This probably has more to do with fine detail in an image flickering on and
off as the fields are drawn.  Any graphic with details that are only 1 pixel
tall will flicker as the field where that pixel "lives" is redrawn.  The
best way to fix this is to do a 1 pixel vertical motion blur in Photoshop,
or if you don't have Photoshop, you can resize the image to 360 pixels tall
and then back up to 480.  This will reduce detail as well, but shouldn't be
noticeable on a TV -- it should look better since it won't flicker any more.

- Mark

>> From: Ian Tucker <carlian at picknowl.com.au>
>> Is there anything I can do to improve the clarity of the picture when
>> using our TV and DVD Player?   I notice, particularly when I first
>> start watching one of my DVD's prepared in iDVD3 that there is a
>> certain amount of pulsing/shimmer with some images.
> Wow, it sounds to me like you are encountering a Macrovision problem.
> That is to say your DVD player thinks you are trying to copy the DVD
> and is distorting the picture on purpose. I would suggest you try
> hooking the DVD player up directly to the TV if possible and see if the
> problem doesn't clear up.
> _Chas_
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