[MacDV] Re: Suggestions for sound capture at wedding

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at mac.com
Sat Apr 12 23:51:18 PDT 2003

on 12/4/03 23:16, David Thrasher at idave at earthlink.net wrote:

> For editing in iMovie:
> Lay in your master shot and write down the exact in and out points for
> the close-ups. Place it back on the editing shelf.
> Place the camera 2 footage into the timeline and split the video at the
> points you wrote down. (the arrow keys help for jogging the video into
> position. Extract the audio on each of the closeups you are going to use
> and delete it. Place the selected closeups back on the shelf and delete
> the unneeded shots.
> Repeat, if you have a 3rd camera.
> Put the master shot back onto the time line. Extract the audio and lock
> it to the video. Split the video at the various in and out points you
> wrote down. Delete the video sections where close ups are to go and
> insert the closeups into the gaps.

So you don't recommend using 'Paste over at playhead' to do this on the
master?  If not, could I ask why not if, you don't mind taking the time to
do this.


Colin McDonald

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