[MacDV] Firewire problem

Gerhard Kuhn suspice at hay.net
Mon Apr 14 09:52:05 PDT 2003

This sounds like your external drive is not fast enough deliver the 
video stream fast enough for real time viewing.  It is possible that if 
your drive is very full and the file is fragmented on the disk that the 
read head is hunting too much for the all the parts of the file.

On Monday, April 14, 2003, at 11:57  AM, Robert Schoenburg wrote:
> Here is the problem. If the project is on the main iMac drive, it works
> fine. If the project is on the Western  Digital drive, the video on 
> the TV
> is very erratic, and there is no sound. In both cases, the playback is 
> fine
> on the iMac.

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