[MacDV] Re: Hog Heaven: QuickTime Video through FireWire

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 15 23:30:42 PDT 2003

>On 4/15/03 7:04 PM, "Erica Sadun" <erica at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>  p.s. I'm watching MPEG-1 video *WITH* audio right now without
>>  any trouble at all through the firewire/director's cut on
>>  a small TV set. I just set "Video Output Sound On".
>Yeah, tried it...  Just didn't seem to work for me...
>Which version of QuickTime are you using?  Mac OS 9 or X?  What Mac model?
>I was using QuickTime 6.1.1, Mac OS X 10.2.5 on a G4/500.
>Just curious so I can make a fair (?) comparison...
>- Mark

QuickTime 6.1.1, Mac OS X 10.2.5,k G4/733.

-- Erica

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