[MacDV] Re: OT: Disk Labeling

ShirleyK ShirleyKat at cox.net
Wed Apr 16 19:44:25 PDT 2003

For professional presentation, I'd be looking at printing directly on 
the surface. Epson has a printer that does that and it's not all that 
expensive. The disks will be a bit more expensive, but I'd think it 
would be worth it if I were trying to impress someone.


On Wednesday, April 16, 2003, at 07:13  PM, Matthew Guemple wrote:

> I know there was a long thread on this a way back like jan and feb.
> A lot of people seemed to be concerned about the labels jamming trays. 
> Does anyone know of a reasonable alternative? Does someone make one 
> that is super thin or something? Sharpies don't cut it for a 
> professional presentation...

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