[MacDV] Re: Disk fragmentation

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Wed Apr 16 23:55:03 PDT 2003

All point valid indeed. I never installed that stuff on the HD.  
CrashGuard was a joke!
But it almost always fixed any problems I was having (until 9.2 then it  
would not boot from the cd... had to make a Zip disc to run it)
But I do like the Optimize function and disk warrior does not have  
that... right?
Maybe both are in order... once Norton gets on the 10.2+ bandwagon...
They are probably waiting for Apple to settle down as well.
Thanks all

On Thursday, April 17, 2003, at 12:55 AM, Charles Martin wrote:

>> From: Matthew Guemple <mo.og at verizon.net>
>> Message-Id: <4CF9CC2E-702B-11D7-ACE0-000A9566D3DC at verizon.net>
>> Why are we saying that Norton is Bad? It's saved my bacon more than a
>> few times, and having a full de-frag/optimize function is pretty  
>> great.
> There are three reasons why people say bad things about Norton  
> Utilities:
> 1. Since they were bought by Symantec, it seems to take *at least*  
> three point releases before the thing is actually safe to use. See  
> Norton 4.04, Norton 5.03, Norton 6.03 for reference. By contrast, Disk  
> Warrior hasn't received a serious update in YEARS (long before OS X  
> was even *available*) and yet continued to work flawlessly on drives  
> even after they've been converted over to OS X. Symantec is generally  
> blamed for
> 2. Numerous people (including myself) have experienced severe problems  
> when the product was installed on our hard drives. I have had this  
> problem both in OS 9 and OS X. Both times it was due to the  
> instability associated with the extensions the program inserted into  
> the system. The actual "Norton Disk Doctor" and "Norton SpeedDisk"  
> apps appear to work properly, but the extensions (one of them  
> ironically called CrashGuard) play havoc with the stability of the  
> operating system. This has resulted in everything from minor  
> corruption to severe data loss. Not good for a utility.
> 3. The inability of the product to catch and fix all problems. Norton  
> Utilities has always worked fine for me *when used exclusively from  
> the CD,* but compared to DiskWarrior it simply overlooks problems the  
> other product finds. When you add in the fact that Norton is more  
> expensive than it's competitors, well it's just not looking that good  
> anymore.
> _Chas_
> Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most people  
> use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are inferior to  
> McDonald's.
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Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net

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