[MacDV] Re: Buying a New Drive

ShirleyK ShirleyKat at cox.net
Fri Apr 18 17:54:32 PDT 2003

I would have preferred to do that with my 160 GB FW drive too, but Disk 
Utility didn't recognize the disk. So you haven't run into that yet?


On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 07:44  AM, Michael Winter wrote:

> have you tried reformatting using Apple's Disk Utility? I always do 
> this with new drives, which may be why I haven't seen a problem. The 
> reason I reformat them is that it seems to improve portability and 
> reliability (I carry a lot of my data around on Firewire drives). 
> Though it can cost you a bit in raw speed, the difference is 
> negligible IMO.

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