[MacDV] FCP 4

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Sat Apr 19 02:31:06 PDT 2003

Holy Heaven!  Folds Cinema Tools inside?!  That's fantastic!  Any Avid users
want to compare to the new FCP?

on 4/9/03 6:28 PM, Thubten Kunga at Kunga at FutureMedia.org wrote:

> Folds Cinema Tools inside which previously cost $1,000
> Adds Music creation software package inside that was previously a third
> party product for about $300
> Adds revolutionary Titling software inside that I've never seen before.
> Adds considerable Audio editing control inside.
> Adds numerous other improvements and features. If you study all the
> links on the apple website, this is the best marketing job Apple has
> ever done to fully explain a new software product on their site. Each
> page has numerous links to other pages leading to others etc.
> <apple.com/finalcutpro/>
> Cons: $399 instead of $299 upgrade price and well worth the extra money.

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