[MacDV] Re: MAC OS X Panther?

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Sun Apr 27 11:16:06 PDT 2003

easy big fella!
I didn't mean to be cynical. I don't think Apple is part of the Axis of  
Evil or Microsoftian in anyway. They are just clawing for market share.  
I understand that, and because it's good and elegant etc I'm still  
willing to pay like hell for the priviledge. If only they had more  
games... =)

What is all this about newer macs not shipping with classic and various  
people having to find all these weird workarounds? Maybe I'm just  
confused by the diff tween Native and classic. All I'm saying is that  
for whatever reason the transitions at Apple are always bumpy and buggy  
and take a long time for the OS and the software to get caught up and  
straightened out. I've always thought think different meant smarter...  
like not releasing something till it's ready. By the time I got things  
installed and smoothed out 10.1... a week later there was a major  
upgrade. That wasted my time and that ticked me off. I guess it's the  
perfect world thing... it seems to me it used to be less painful.

I could go on and on about how the last round of changes has caused me  
hassles (mainly because the bulk of my work is publishing and quark has  
not caught up, and I don't think indesign is as good or simple or  
something... I'm sure that will start a flame fest...)
Of course on the flip side, I am still blown away that after my initial  
"WTF?!" and having to tear down my HD and reinstall/partition a couple  
of times. I HAVE NEVER HAD A CRASH! Who would have believed that  
statement under anything since 7.5?

My sucker comment only mean that we pay through the nose, while PC  
folks don't. That's all. It's like being a member of the "really  
expensive" computer club... thats all. And sometimes it ticks me off.  
It just makes me feel like a junkie with ever purer stuff being dangle  
in my face... I'm hooked. They know it, I know it but rehab in this  
case might as well be moving off the grid. PC isn't a satisfactory  

I fully understand innovation and progress and all that... I guess my  
complaint lies more with the introduction of new architecture  
fundamentally changing the way a thing works thus requiring  
increasingly expensive upgrades...

Don't get me wrong I'll be one of those fools easily parted with their  
money standing in line, being pissed that they missed their ship date...

AND as I always say to PC folks when asked... "from my cold dead hands!"

Anyway sorry for the OT rant. Yeah I guess it's a bad money year, and  
as always I want the new thing... NOW! harrrrrrrrr

Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net

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